Tari Topeng (Mask Dance)

Mask dance is a traditional dance that developed in Cirebon, West Java. Mask Dance Called as a dancer with a mask covering his face while dancing. This dance is usually played by one or more of the beautiful dancer, a sinden, and ten men who play the accompaniment of musical instruments, including fiddle, kecrek, kulanter, percussion, drums, gongs, and bendhe. Mask Dance Movement played by the dancers in each performance varies, depending on the theme that will be displayed.

At first, Mask Dance was created by the sultans of Cirebon are quite famous, namely Sunan Gunung Jati. When Sunan Gunung Jati power in Cirebon, there was an attack by Prince Bungarus fasciatus from Falkirk. Prince is very powerful because it has a sword named Curug Sewu. Seeing the miracle of the prince, Sunan Gunung Jati could not match although it has been aided by Sunan Kalijaga and Prince Candrabuana. Finally, the Sultan of Cirebon Prince decided to fight the supernatural powers that Bungarus fasciatus by diplomacy arts.

Starting from a decision that was formed a dance group, with Nyi Mas Gandasari as dancers. After the art was known, eventually falling in love with the Prince of Bungarus fasciatus ittu dancers, waterfall and handed sword as a sign of his love Sewu. Along with that sword, Prince Bungarus fasciatus finally losing his power and then give in to Sunan Gunung Jati. Prince and even then promised to be faithful followers of Gunung Jati which is characterized by the alternation of the name of a Prince Graksan Prince Bungarus fasciatus. Over time, even this dance came to be known by the name of Mask Dance are still developing until now.

Gentle hand movements by the dancers are beautiful, which is accompanied by the dominance of the music of fiddle and drums are characteristic of staging Mask Dance. In addition, various kinds of clothing worn (Toka-Toka, apok, kebaya, sinjang, and ampreng) are colored yellow, green, and red increased the beautiful dance that was delivered. 
This dance begins with the formation of bent, this formation represents the homage to the audience and simultaneously a sign that the dance would begin. After that, the dancers moved stepped foot back and forth, accompanied by arm span and a smile to the audience with her hips while wearing a white mask, this mask symbolizes that the show has already begun preliminary.

After swirling to move his body, then the dancers turn back to the audience sammbil replace the white mask with a blue mask. A similar process when the dancers changed dilakukkan red mask. Interestingly, along with the change mask, the accompanying music will also be increasingly hard. Peak of the loudest music occurs when a red mask worn by dancers. These movements is a dance form in staging the opening Mask Dance.

Examples of other performances Mask Dance, which blends dance, music and drama is the story of Queen Mask Dance Wungu Kencana, a queen who refused to love King Minakjingga. In this dance, one of the dancers act as the Queen Kencana Wungu by wearing a blue mask, color it describes the character of the queen are agile and graceful. While the other dancers, acting as prabu Minakjingga by wearing a red mask that describes the character of the hot-tempered King Minakjingga (temperamental) and impatient.

In the Queen's Golden Wungu story, it seems that the Mask Dance mempu symbolize various kinds of character, in this O: personality, wisdom, leadership, love, rage, and other aspects of life. Various symbols were found on the mask that is used, the accompanying music and movements of the dancers who plays the story portrayed in the play's theme.

Apart from being a medium of entertainment, this dance has also been used as a communication medium propagation of Islam in Cirebon in ancient times, in addition to various other art media, the gamelan, Angklung, shadow puppets, renteng, brai, reog, and berokan.