Ngaben, cremation ceremony

Ngaben is generally defined as a cremation, although the origins etymology, it is less precise. Because there is no tradition of cremation by burning the corpse. Ngaben actually comes from the word meaning the cost or provision Beya, Beya said this in an active sentence (do work) to meyanin. Meyanin word has become the standard language to name sawa wadhana ceremony. May also be called Ngabeyain. This word is pronounced with a short then, a cremation.

Ngaben or Meyanin other raw in terms mentioned in the papyrus is atiwa-atiwa. Atiwa said even this can not be searched origin probably derived from the native language of the archipelago (Austronesian), considering this kind of ceremony we also encountered the Dayak tribe in Kalimantan called tiwah. Likewise in Batak we hear as TIBAL to mention the ceremony after the death.

Ngaben ceremony or meyanin, or well-atiwa atiwa, for Hindus in the Tengger mountains known as the entas-entas. Entas words remind us of the basic cremation ceremony in Bali. Namely Tirta pangentas which serves to break up the love of the atma (soul) with his physical body and deliver to the nature Pitara atma.

In other languages ​​in Bali, which connotes a smooth, cremation is called Palebon derived from the word meaning prathiwi dust or soil. Thus Palebon means making prathiwi (ash). To make the land there are two ways, namely by burning and planted into the ground. But how to burn the fastest.

Places to process a land called called tunon pemasmian and their area. Tunon tunu derived from the word meaning to burn. While pemasmian derived from the word meaning Exterminate destroyed. Another Tunon he is Setra or sema. Setra tegals whereas sema meaning comes from the word meaning smasana Durga. Goddess Durga bersthana in this Tunon. 
 Among the above opinion, there's one more opinion-related question. That said Ngaben it comes from the word "fire". Said the fire had presfiks "ng" to "ngapi" and gets the suffix "an" becomes "ngapian" who, after experiencing the password to "ngapen". And because there is a change phoneme "p" to "b" according to the law changes the sound of "bpmw" then becomes "Ngaben". Thus the word Ngaben means "to fire".

The fire in question here is Brahma (the Creator). That means atma the dead through ritual Ngaben will lead the Brahma-loka as a manifestation of Brahma Linggih Hyang Widhi in Creating (utpeti).

Actually there are two types of flame used in the ceremony of Fire Ngaben scale (concrete) is the fire that used to burn the dead body or pengawak and Fire Niskala (abstract) derived from the Vedas as the pemuput Sulinggih work that burns impurities that attach the spirit . This process is called "mralina".

In between these two types of fire in the ceremony Ngaben, it turns out that the higher value and is absolutely essential is fire or flame noetic pralines that arise from the Sulinggih. The Sulinggih (the muput) will be appealed to Lord Shiva to come down into the body (Siwiarcana) to perform "pralina". Maybe because the fire is considered more absolute praline / important, in some mountainous areas in Bali there are implementation Ngaben ceremony without having to burn the corpse with fire, but enough to bury him. Ngaben ceremony of this type is called "when Tanem or mratiwi". So there was also a ceremony without the use of fire Ngaben (scale). But noetic fire / flame pralines still used by Vedic Sulinggih and pralines and Tirtha Tirtha means pangentas.

Apart from the issue of fire which is more important. Specifically about the presence of fire scale is functioning as a vehicle that will accelerate the melting process sthula sarira (gross weight) derived from Mahabutha Panca Panca to blend back into the General namely mahabhuta universe. The process of acceleration of the return elements of Panca mahabhuta will certainly accelerate the process of sanctification as well to get to the atma in nature Swahloka (Dewa Pitara) so it is worth dilinggihkan in sanggah / merajan to be worshiped. Of course, after going through the ceremony of "mamukur" which is a continuation of "Ngaben".